Here you’ll find scanned copies of the Bylaws in place for the RM of Marquis No. 191.

Bylaw No. 02/2023-Mill Rate Factors
Bylaw No. 1/2022-Agreement with SARM to Provide Insurance
Bylaw No. 11/2021-Agreement with SARM for Providing Insurance
Bylaw No. 10/2021-Agreement with the Marquis C&D for Financing the Marquis CDAA Project
Bylaw No. 9/2021-Provide for Borrowing by Debenture for Financing Marquis C & D
Bylaw No. 7/2021-Amend Zoning Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 6/2021-Provide for the Abatement of Nuisances
Bylaw No. 5/2021-Regulate Speed of Motor Vehicles in Hamlet of Parkview
Bylaw No. 4/2021-Regulate Speed of Motor Vehicles on Certain Portion of Road
Bylaw No. 3/2021-Establish a Fee to Appeal Assessments
Bylaw No. 2/2021-Council Procedures Bylaw
Bylaw No. 1/2021-Establish a Municipal Employee Code of Conduct
Bylaw No. 1/2019-Restrict Placement of Snow from Private Land on Roads
Bylaw No. 1/2018-Permit Operation of ATV & Snowmobiles Within Hamlet of Parkview
Bylaw No. 2/2017 – Incurring Debt
Bylaw No. 1/2017 – Code of Ethics Bylaw
Bylaw No. 5/2016 – Amend Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 4/2016 – Destruction of Documents
Bylaw No. 3/2016 – Amend Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 2/2016 – Amend Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 2/2013 – Beaver Hunting
Bylaw No. 1/2013 – Property Tax Incentives & Penalties
Bylaw No. 4/2012 – Amend 3/93
Bylaw No. 3/2012 – Respecting Buildings
Bylaw No. 2/2012 – Clubroot
Bylaw No. 1/2012 – Amend Zoning Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 1/2011 – Designate All Roads Primary
Bylaw No. 1/2011 – Amend Zoning Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 2/2009 – Amend Zoning Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 2/2008 – Amend Zoning Bylaw 3/93
Bylaw No. 2/2007 – To Manage Vehicle Weights
Bylaw No. 1/2006 – Dispense With Mailing of Assessment Notices
Bylaw No. 2/2005 – Public Notice Policy
Bylaw No. 3/2002 – Provide Emergency Response Services & Costs Levied
Bylaw No.3/1993 – Zoning Bylaw
Bylaw No. 1/1988 – Zoning Amendment
Bylaw No. 1/1985 – Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Using Bridges
Bylaw No. 1/1983 – Destruction of Grasshoppers
Bylaw No. 1/1979 – Eradication of Rats
Bylaw No. 2/1976 – Concerning the Erection of Highway Traffic Signs
Bylaw No. 2/1975 – Provide for the Destruction of Warbles
Bylaw No. 1/1974-Regional Library Bylaw
Bylaw No. 1/1970 – Licence, Regulate and Govern Places of Amusement
Bylaw No. 1/1963 – Prohibit Planting of Trees, Shrubs Etc.
Bylaw No. 3/1961 – Erection and Observance of Highway Traffic Signs
Bylaw No. 2/1961 – Removal of Dirt, Stones, Filth or Rubbish from Public Places
Bylaw No. 1-1961 – Bylaw Requiring Vaccination of Calves
Bylaw No. 5/1960-Restraining of Animals Running at Large
Bylaw No. 1-1960 – Restricting Tractors on Municipal Roads
Bylaw No. 5-1960 – Animals at Large
Bylaw No. 1/1959-Provide for the Destruction of Grasshoppers
Bylaw No. 2/1958-To Provide the Enforcement of the Bylaws of the RM
Bylaw No. 1/1958 – Destruction of Grasshoppers